Drug supply shortages continue to be a source of concern for doctors and pharmacists. According to current data, around 500 drugs in Germany are either unavailable or extremely difficult to obtain. Under the German law to combat drug supply shortages and improve healthcare (german: Arzneimittel-Lieferengpassbekämpfungs- und Versorgungsverbesserungsgesetz, ALBVVG), pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers, and wholesalers are now required to report looming or existing supply shortages at an early stage. Our goal, in collaboration with industry and regulatory institutions, is to develop a data delivery system to simplify these reports and thus enable better data exchange.
To prevent future supply shortages, we aim for a standardized exchange of information through a dedicated data space. This will ensure all market participants – from manufacturers to wholesalers as well as pharmacies – provide reliable data, and regulatory institutions can access that data. By standardizing data exchange, we reduce administrative effort and costs for everyone involved while maintaining companies’ data sovereignty.
Information about product deliveries is continuously and uniformly exchanged via a shared data space. All market participants therefore always operate on the same reliable data basis along the supply chain.
From manufacturers to doctors and patients—all parties along the value chain can rely on a stable medication supply.
Through seamless and effective data exchange, we detect drug supply shortages early and prevent them in the long term.
In addition to establishing an end-to-end data flow along the value chain, we aim to explore how we can collectively detect shortages early and maintain a stable medication supply. We firmly believe that by sharing data efficiently and collaborating closely, future supply shortages can be predicted—and ultimately prevented.
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Design & technical implementation: powered by Gesundheitsforen
Status of the information: September 2024