What is a data space?

A data space is a federated, open infrastructure in which data can be managed and/or accessed (data exchange) by a specific group of stakeholders (2+ participants). It is characterized by a decentralized structure and a focus on interoperability. Unlike data platforms, a data space does not require a single central operator. Instead, in a federated system, any participant with a connection point (e.g., an IDS connector) can assume one or more roles within the data space. A data space can therefore be defined as the sum of all its participants.

No. Under HealthTrack-X, data made available will be provided in a decentralized manner by various groups of stakeholders. The right to decide which data can be viewed or used by whom within the data space remains with each data owner.

No. HealthTrack-X is not a software solution. The project’s goal is to establish, on a prototype basis, a shared data infrastructure with uniform standards (“data space”) that enables sovereign and secure data exchange. A suitable analogy would be a “data highway”: various software solutions – comparable to vehicles from different manufacturers – can use this infrastructure, as long as they adhere to defined protocols and standards.

Gaia-X is a project aimed at building a high-performance, competitive, secure, and trustworthy data infrastructure for Europe. It is driven by representatives from business, science, and government in Germany and France, along with other predominantly European partners. Gaia-X envisions data spaces across nine key sectors (including healthcare), within which large-scale sector-specific use cases can be implemented.

HealthTrack-X aligns with Gaia-X’s vision and aims to create a data space in healthcare supply chains – enabling decentralized, interoperable data exchange based on common standards.

Manufacturing-X is a funding initiative launched by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) to create a sovereign data space for the entire industrial sector. It aims to enable companies – from small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations – to securely and reliably share data along value chains, without losing control over that data. HealthTrack-X, which also receives funding through Manufacturing-X, focuses specifically on the industrial healthcare sector.

As a research project, HT-X aims to demonstrate the added value of a data space for the healthcare industry using three example use cases:

1. Digitization of Production and Supply Chains

2. Data Delivery to Prevent Supply Shortages

3. Standardized CO₂ Footprint Management

HealthTrack-X is initially funded for two years.

The goal of this consortium project is to refine the proof of concept in such a way that it can be scaled for broad, industry-wide use. Even after the funding period ends, the HT-X data space will continue to operate and expand.